Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 88: Departure

Chapter 88: Departure

"It's quite simple, really. We will then sneak into the Woods and use my specifically crafted Spirit Artifacts to quickly kill these creatures. Those things are all very resilient, quick on their feet, and are particularly troublesome to fight head-on."

Vice Principal Zelle swiftly informed Elder Leweyn.

"Ohhh.Spirit Artifacts, huh." Aniela quietly said to herself as she and Darcel's eyes lit up about the use of a Spirit Artifact.

Compared to even the strongest talisman, a Spirit Artifacts is far more valuable.

This is mainly due to the fact Spirit Artifacts has some specific and rigid requirements to use. From under legendary Heavenly Transformation cultivators, no one weaker can use Spirit Artifacts.

Moreover, one soul has to be powerful enough to also withstand the varying effects and potent power of Spirit Artifacts. If one has an average soul, they may even run the risk of damaging their own cultivation.

But despite all these requirements, Spirit Artifacts can essentially be perfect one-hit kills for even cultivators far above one realm!

Furthermore, it's also reusable after a short cool-down period.

"I assume you already premade the perfect concealing talisman with those Mages. The only question I have now is.what will they do when coming with us?"

Elder Leweyn directed his eyes over to the calm Darcle and Aniela.

Their deep black eyes locked evenly with Elder Leweyn's steel-like blue eyes.

For a brief second, neither side broke contact with each other. Darcel and Aniela stayed steadily rooted even against a high grand figure that many other youths wouldn't be able to pull off.

And Elder Leweyn took particular notice of their bold confidence. There wasn't even the slightest bit of apprehension or caution on these kids' faces when staring at him.

Not even his own disciples can pull this off this well. A hint of respect enters his eyes then.

Vice Principal Zelle quickly caught on to this sudden second exchange and quickly spoke before those two huge egos shows.

"You will see what they can do. They're quite out there in terms of special abilities. Perhaps not even your own disciple will be able to achieve what they're going to do."

Although Vice-Principal Zelle had just told herself on wanting to prevent egos from showing, she couldn't help but leak out a bit of pride when talking about Darcel and Aniela.

They are, after all, probably the most talented students in the whole Zakira Academy!

Darcel and Aniela proudly smirked hearing Vice-Principal Zelle's warm praise. And their smirk further broadens once seeing on Erin's face a slightly annoyed expression.

"Look, no offense, but what can two Na-"

Erin couldn't even finish his sentence before a bright multi-color spark flashed from Elder Leweyn's eyes!

Elder Leweyn's amulet as well ignited in dazzling bright multi-color radiance.

"I see.I've picked up on four soul signatures exactly the same as this creature. And as you said before, they're all in the Necropolis Woods."

Elder Leweyn swiftly informed everyone.

"Good. We should head out to the Woods immediately. I had already prepared everything that needed to be prepared. Moreover, there's no telling when those creatures may spontaneously move."

Principal Zakira took immediate charge while Vice Principal Zelle didn't speak up.

Elder Leweyn glanced his eyes over to Vice Principal Zelle, seeing as she didn't say anything. But her face already told she was in ready agreement with Principal Zakira.

"I see no problem with this." Elder Leweyn voiced his agreement.

Only Erin kept a slight unkind gaze on Darcel and Aniela. Just from their up stature and unwavering faces, Erin could tell they were precisely the same as Vice-Principal Zelle.

Too much confidence for their own good!

Still, Erin didn't express any disagreement and stayed silent.

"Alright! Let's go! The sooner we could kill those creatures, the better!" Aniela enthusiastically proclaimed without a hint of fear about taking on this perilous mission.

A small smile formed on Vice Principal Zelle's face as she ignited her spatial ring.

"Once we near the Woods, is when I'll activate the talisman. When that time occurs, Elder Leweyn, you'll take the lead.


Several miles away from Necrotic City, the Necropolis Woods had also undergone dreary changes in the past three days.

Just at the entrance of the Woods had the atmosphere changed.

It was ominously foreboding to stare into the Darkness Woods. Mainly because of the eerie, desolate silence that permeated the air.

There were no cries of Spirit Monsters, the rustling of grasses, or even aspiring cultivators wanting to travel the Woods.

Although no physical presence could be seen, there were five invisible people all walking into now Darkness bleak Woods. It wouldn't matter who would come; no one would be able to detect this group.

And of course, this group was Vice-Principal Zelle, Elder Leweyn, Erin, Darcel, and Aniela.

Elder Leweyn stayed at the front of the pack, carefully guiding the others on a specific path into the Woods.

However, right when they passed through the entrance, all five of them went a bit rigid. No senses have locked on to them, but they picked on several ghostly presences when their Spirit Senses spread out.

Most frightening about these presences was the fact none of them, not even the mighty Heavenly Transformation Elder Leweyn, sensed these presences until they crossed the entrances of Woods!

If just some random ignorant cultivator were to cross these grounds, several eyes would've immediately locked on them.

And these presences seemed intense in tracking whoever shall pass these Woods.

It was unnerving, to say the least.

Elder Leweyn was quickly starting to see why they would call him. To allude, his Spirit Senses for even a second isn't something small, considering he was a Heavenly Transformation cultivator.

Vice Principal Zelle was also starting to understand just how deep Darcel and Aniela's plight went about these Woods.

She became even more thankful for this specially crafted talisman now.

This talisman was similar to the one they all used when traversing the Black Dungeon Labyrinth.

It made them invisible to the outside world while also letting them see each other. The only further enchantment made to this talisman was the fact it can last far longer.

After the brief second of rigidness, Elder Leweyn quickly looked behind him. His amulet around his neck surged a bit, and he made a gesture for them to follow.

Under his gesture, Vice Principal Zelle, Darcel, Erin, and Aniela all swiftly followed Elder Leweyn in a light but a quick sprint.

At their pace, they made moderate progress in traversing the Darkness Woods.

That is until they all temporarily halted in slight horror surprise.

Their eyes crossed over to an eerily ominous sight that was only several meters by them.

Immediately Darcel and Aniela's eyes lit up as what they saw was comparable to what they experienced three days ago.

It was four middle-aged men wearing dirt brown robes, merely walking down a specific path. Their paths crossed right near Vice-Principal Zelle's group, but they wouldn't intercept them from their course of walking.

Although this sight should've seemed ordinary, the four middle-aged men's appearance was noticeably odd.

Their skins seemed to be a bit dried up, and you could see bones popping out of their cheeks. An eerie blue glow hazed their eyes as if they were completely taken over.

But their odd appearances weren't the only thing that caught Vice-Principal Zelle's group's attention.

All four of the men were also mighty Innate Core warriors!

Moreover, Vice Principal Zelle sensed them all to be fifth rank Innate Core powerhouses specifically. And when observing these men, Vice Principal Zelle recognized their identities.

They hail from a middle-tier Sect in the City called the Venom Ant Sect.

To see a group of Innate Core warriors casually walking about these Woods would be an oddity just three days ago. Though even more of an anomaly was what these men were discussing.

A creepy distorted voice slithered into Vice Principal Zelle's group ears as they all focused their senses on them.

"Ngnh.this body, I swear. It's taking much more time to get used to compared to what I saw from others. In fact, this whole process seemed to be smoother just days ago."

"Heh, doesn't matter how rough the transition is for now. Soon when they get that half step Heavenly Transformation puppet, all of our worries will be washed down the drain!"

"Before that happens, I pray for more action in these Woods. It seems like that City got their pitiful wits all terrorized and frightened in no time flat. But soon everything will change for the better for us and worse for that City, hah!"

Creepy chuckles erupted from all four of the men at the exact same time.

They had continued down their trek, completely ignoring the invisible Vice-Principal Zelle's group.

Everyone in the group now couldn't stop a small foreboding feeling from swelling in the pits of their guts.

"To think they reached such a level already." Vice Principal Zelle breathed her slight concerns. Understandably, everyone's minds were reinforced to quickly those creatures for good.

Even Erin and Elder Leweyn understood the potentially enormous risks if those kinds of strange humans were left walking around.

Increasing their pace now, Elder Leweyn led them back on track.

But while they walked, the number of these seemingly possessed humans didn't stop at all. In fact, they had only increased the further in Elder Leweyn led the group!

From True Soul Core to Innate Core cultivators, many possessed humans were creepily walking around the Woods.

Furthermore, every one of them was talking about change that'll majorly affect Necrotic City and that mysterious half step Heavenly Transformation person.

Although, the most astonishing fact as they progressed through the Woods was the very apparent lack of Spirit Monsters roaming around.

Not even miles deep into the Woods did Vice-Principal Zelle's group seen even a Spirit Monster, a bear.

It was like these possessed humans made their territory entirely here.

Still, this ominous oddity didn't stop Vice-Principal Zelle's group. They were going to carry on their trek to that vile creature no matter what.

Eventually, after several minutes, Vice Principal Zelle's group came upon a unique section of the forest. The usual black glossy trees here seemed a tad more dried up, and there were barely any possessed humans here.

It was only up in front, just a couple meters away did the group spotted three humans and a singular black glossy cave.

Darcel and Aniela's eyes lit up as this cave was the exact same as the previous cave that housed the vile purple creature.

Plus, they also felt their souls slightly writhed nearing the cave.

Although Darcel and Aniela had to admit, without Elder Leweyn, they would never be able to find this cave without pure random luck. The route this cave was on was just too confusing and well craftily hidden.

In front of the cave were three people guardingtwo powerful middle-aged men at the Innate Core realm's eighth rank.

And at the center of the two men was the most powerful person Vice-Principal Zelle's group seen yet in the Woods.

It was an ordinary-looking woman at the ninth rank of the Innate Core realm!

The peak rank of the whole realm! These three Innate Core powerhouses made for a mighty guardian team.

Vice Principal Zelle and Elder Leweyn stopped for a moment to consider their options. Killing these three Innate Core powerhouses is nothing but a flip of Elder Leweyn's hand and a breeze for Vice Principal Zelle.

However, neither of them can use any extra power unless they want their talisman to drop.

Vice Principal Zelle only has three talismans left for the three creatures left. Furthermore, they both didn't want to make too much noise and alert any possessed humans near.

Erin was similarly also contemplating their options until he looked over to Darcel and Aniela. These two looked utterly relaxed, and to his confusion, Aniela began walking up to Vice Principal Zelle.


Vice Principal Zelle looked over to Aniela as she tugged on her sleeves.

Aniela gave her a sly smile and presented her ominous scalpel to her that now held a purple and green tint to it.

Vice Principal Zelle's eyes lit up as Darcel and Aniela had told her about this scalpel's deadly effect upon people.

And this will be their perfect option for silent assassin kills.

Elder Leweyn and Erin looked confused as Vice-Principal Zelle held the odd-looking scalpel. She had these brightening eyes as if she just discovered the perfect plan.

Soon then, Vice Principal Zelle took the helm of their group. She motions for the others to follow and to be calm.

Darcel and Aniela had no problems since they knew what was going to happen.

Elder Leweyn and Erin were puzzled, but they nevertheless followed behind Vice-Principal Zelle as she was so confident in that scalpel.

And quickly, Vice Principal Zelle near the unsuspecting Innate Core's guardian team.

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