Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 89: Dominating Souls

Chapter 89: Dominating Souls

Vice Principal Zelle was mere inches away from the three late rank Innate Core guardians. Even at such a close distance, her special talisman proved its worth as none of the three sensed a single thing.

Gripping Aniela's scalpel tightly, Vice Principal Zelle swiftly struck out!

Her movements were a mere blur to Darcel, Aniela, and even Erin. In just a split second, Vice Principal Zelle accurately stabbed all three of the Innate Core guardians in their necks!


Immediately, the two middle-aged men and woman's eyes bulged out of their sockets, and they grabbed onto their throats.

Instantly, revolting green and purple lines ran down their faces and onto their bodies.

Immense excruciating pain wracked the two men and woman senses and bodies.

Their organs were getting turned to mushy paste. Their bones were cracking at every joint, and their bloodstreams were getting fiercely sizzled.

They were only able to utter a single syllable of pain before their bodies promptly crashed to the ground with a sickening thud.

In their torturous pain before dying, none of them knew even how or why they died.

It was all sudden whiplash that made their minds fall further into crushing despair. As the light was quickly leaving their eyes, their bodies still twitched and spasm as if they were under a seizure.

Elder Leweyn and Erin's eyes slightly widen once seeing that scalpel's devastating effect.

It was surreal to see, but three powerful Innate Core died in a blink of an eye without even so much of a peep!

Elder Leweyn more clearly understood that to achieve something like this would require being very high level in the Heavenly Transformation realm!

His eyes and Erin's eyes quickly snapped to the calm Darcel and Aniela.

Somehow.they managed to bring out a weapon that not even Elder Leweyn could efficiently do!

It was then, the words of Vice-Principal Zelle echoed in the back of their heads about Darcel and Aniela.

"As deadly as always!" Aniela quietly mutters to herself as Vice-Principal Zelle returns the scalpel to her.

With a mere wave of her hand, Vice Principal Zelle moved the three corpses entirely into the cave to cover their own tracks.

And then the whole group of five stepped fully into the cave.

Before continuing on, Vice Principal Zelle surged the bare minimum of her power possible in order to keep their talisman still going.

And with a snap of her hand, Vice Principal Zelle erected an illusion blue firewall that covered the cave entrance.

This way, any random passerby would just get fooled into ignoring this cave even if they were to see those three guardians before.

Now that they were all in the cave, everyone's heads snapped towards the cave's dark long hall. For Elder Leweyn and Erin, their faces became unreadable once their senses delved deep into the cave.

They didn't know how to describe it or what it could even be called.

But both Elder Leweyn and Erin felt a chilling foreboding sensation tingle throughout their bodies. Whatever that creature was, Elder Leweyn and Erin immediately knew it was down there.

Vice Principal Zelle, on the other hand, had a more subdued reaction.

Vivid memories of the time she fought the red creature flood into her head like a tsunami. Previously she was off guard and taken by surprise.

Now? Now she was fully prepared!

"Now then, shall we claim our first vile head?"

Darcel suddenly spoke up in a calm tone of voice. Only he and Aniela were the only calm ones in the cave.

Hearing such a steady tone got Elder Leweyn and Erin's eyes to snap back to the duo. Just by the second, these two were getting more mysterious.

"Mnh, let's go." Vice Principal Zelle affirmed Darcel's words and stayed at the front of the pack.

Under her call, the group of five had then quickly sprinted down the dreary Darkness cave.

However, halfway in their run, they all simultaneously stopped.

Their senses now more clearly picked up on two Innate Core warriors and one equivalent peak True Soul Core being at the end of the cave. And Vice Principal Zelle and Elder Leweyn sensed the two Innate Core warriors to be at the eighth rank!

For a brief moment, the group of five decided to first listen in on what these two were discussing. A creepy distorted voice slithered into their eyes, being precisely the same as all other possessed humans.

"Still, I seriously doubt an entrapment or any sort of call is needed. I mean.besides titled Heavenly King cultivators, who would even be remotely strong enough to kill two eighth rank and one-ninth rank Innate Core? Not only that, being able to kill them without raising any alarm? It's honestly boring overkill!"

"Well, if we're taking that strange man word for it, we have to watch out for apparently two devious little brats. They did manage to sneakily kill that third rank Innate Core Elder and one of these creatures. Heh, maybe if we're lucky, those brats truly can silently kill the three outside!"

Vice Principal Zelle, Darcel, Aniela, Elder Leweyn, and Erin all felt a slight ominous dread wash over them.

If they genuinely weren't careful before, then some dangerous trap would've gone off right under their noses!

Vice Principal Zelle didn't waste any more time now. Her spatial ring flashed, and she had fished a beautifully bright orange arrow.

Currently, the arrow seemed as normal as any other arrow. Still, there were uniquely crafted feather design etched on the arrow.

By just the arrow's appearance, one could accurately tell this arrow will hold some sort of outstanding property.

Darcel, Aniela, Elder Lewey, and Erin's eyes were all pulled on to this arrow.

They were slightly enamored by the arrow's exotic design, never seeing something quite as unique as this. And right then, Vice Principal Zelle tightly clutched the arrow in her hand.

Without care, Vice Principal Zelle poured her half step Heavenly Qi into the arrow and will a portion of her Soul Essence into the arrow. Her concealing talisman dropped for the whole group, but it didn't matter at this point.

A bright orange radiance immediately illuminated the whole cave and got the attention of the two Innate Core men and that vile creature.

But before those three could react, Vice Principal Zelle already tossed the arrow at them!

The arrow had instantaneous speed and practically popped right in front of the two Innate Core men and the vile creature widening eyes!


A colossal explosion of bright orange flames fiercely quaked the whole cave! The tremendous power of the Saint Artifact burst for miles in the cave, frantically destroying everything in its path.

Elder Leweyn had already erected a powerful Heavenly Qi barrier protecting them all from the explosion. Although he had to grit his teeth while doing so, as this Saint Artifact power was no joke!

But for the two Innate Core men and that vile creature, they didn't have such luxuries like Elder Leweyn.

Instantly the two Innate Core men turned to ashes, and the vile creature vanished from everyone Spirit Sense.

As the bright orange flame explosion died down, so did Elder Leweyn and Erin guard.

They firmly believed nothing could've survived that explosive ambush. Plus, they also didn't pick up anyone besides their group in their Spirit Sense now.

It was understandable for them to think this way. However, Darcel, Aniela, and Vice-Principal Zelle were all still on full alert.

Elder Leweyn and Erin had noticed this, and they both were about to speak to assure them of their victory.

That is until everyone felt a tremendous sense of crisis take hold of their entire minds. The sudden feelings they felt was the most dreadful of them all.the crisis of incoming death!

In sync, the group of five jumped backward further into the cave as the sound of the ground sizzling slinked into the ears.

Their eyes snapped up to the roof, and Elder Leweyn and Erin were gobsmacked by what they saw.

A horrendous vile looking creature was planted on the black glossy ceiling like a spider. The creature was entirely blue compared to its counterparts and had the longest, freakishly sharp nails.

Around the creature as well was a chilling looking silverish blue mist.

Elder Leweyn and Erin were all just surprised to finally see that creature's grotesque look and that it was still alive!

While Darcel, Aniela, and Vice-Principal Zelle were surprised to see what was inside that creature's claw.

A large silver core surged in its claw, being precisely comparable to the mysterious silver core the red creature used!

In a split second of surprise everyone witnessed the vile blue creature. That silver core in its claw suddenly glowed with incredible power!

Faster than anyone could react, its silverish blue mist instantly wrapped around the group of five!

"Teh! What the hell is this?!?"

Erin had immediately spat out a rancid blue ball of spit as sudden scorching pain froze his entire body. He, Elder Leweyn, and Vice-Principal Zelle all froze up as their body joints tightly locked up.

Despite the vile blue creature only being equal to the peak of the True Soul Core realm, that mysterious white core in its hand explosively increased its power to an unfathomable degree! To the point where even the powerful Elder Leweyn was caught entirely off-guard.

However, despite the sudden reversal of the situation, Vice Principal Zelle wasn't distraught.

After all, she had two trump cards standing right in front of her.

Elder Leweyn and Erin couldn't even stare at Vice Principal Zelle's calm face as suddenly, an eruption of tremendous power blasted from right in front of them!

A bright silver radiance intensely spewed from Darcel and Aniela!


Darcel and Aniela's transformed bloodline state discharged immense power that clashed against the silverish blue mist.

From their soul's depths as well, Sari's incredible power crazily erupted.

Vice Principal Zelle, Elder Leweyn, and Erin were all taken aback at the duo's new form. The beautiful, alluring black and white glow enriching their arms was a magical sight to gaze upon.

"Let's have some fun, you disgusting creature!" Aniela loudly proclaimed as she and Darcel had fished out their bright green scimitars.

The creature's mist trying to drill inside their bodies was utterly useless at this point. Sari's powerful presence inside their souls quickly dispersed any poisonous mist that had enter their bodies.

The blue creature was absolutely stilted on the ceiling. Its soul was immensely suppressed. Several mountain tons of pressure crushed its body by Darcel and Aniela's supreme bloodline powers and their powerful souls!

In its lapse of focus, Darcel savagely smirked. His eyes locked with the stilted creature, and he had then clenched his hand.

Darcel's full focus was on it, and instantly, a Darkness shadow spewed from the creature's feet!

The creature didn't even realize it until a massive suppression crushed on its ankle. Quickly its head snapped back towards its ankle only to see Darkness tendril tightly wrap around its ankle.

And as if on cue, the Darkness tendril rushed towards the ground, dragging the vile blue creature with it.

With sheer ferocious force, the Darkness tendril slammed the blue creature hard into the ground, creating a small mini crater beneath it.


For the first time, Darcel and Aniela heard a human-like voice from the human-like creature. Still, its voice carried an unmistakable monstrous tone filled with rage and pain.

And Aniela immediately reacted when the creature uttered its voice of pain.

She madly dashed towards the blue creature, her scimitar thrust out forward and black flames swirling at the tip of her blade.

The blue creature relied on its instinct and swirled its freakishly long tongue from its mouth. Quickly, it blasted its tongue towards Aniela in small hopes to starve her off for a bit.

Between their distance, only a few feet separated them. Both Aniela and the creature's tongue instantly reached each other.

But right before they clashed, Aniela's bloodline arm ignited in pure white soul powers!


With insane erupted speeds, Aniela's scimitar tore through the blue creature's tongue, massively overpowering it and blasting it away.

The blue creature sailed through the air, but its nightmare wasn't over yet.

A flash of Darkness clouded its eyes, and suddenly, Darcel popped right above it!

"Keaah!!" In midair, the creature crazily surged its power and discharged more silverish blue mist at Darcel.

However, the Darkness glow surrounding Darcel's arm had merely destroyed the silverish blue mist coming at him! In its severely weak state now, the poisonous mist wasn't anywhere near as strong as it was before.

Darcel only felt his bloodline quickly vaporize the mist without the need of his soul.

Smirking at the despair filling the blue creature's eyes, Darcel quickly brought his scimitar up.

And in one smooth motion, Darcel thrust his scimitar through the blue creature's chest, spurting rancid blue blood in the air and pinning the creature down in the ground.

"Die." Darcel simply utters like the god of death.

He twisted his scimitar and unleashed raging black flames that rampaged inside the creature's body and soul!

The blue creature couldn't even utter out a yelp of pain. In every aspect, be it power or soul, it was entirely suppressed by Darcel and Aniela.

No matter if it held prowess equivalent to a peak True Soul Core warrior, it was helpless under Darcel and Aniela's assault.

Quickly the light left the creature's eyes in only a few seconds, with its last sight being Darcel's cruel smirk.

"To think our prowess grew this much," Darcel remarked to himself as this fight was simple domination!

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